Sunday, December 7, 2014

Life's a beach...

Life's a beach...

Another exciting Friday, I was picked up at 5 o’clock (actually just a little bit before), not all Tongans are on Tonga time. Jumped in the car all decked out in my sun shirt, big baggy (boys) swimming trucks feeling pretty covered and ready to swim. As I hopped in the car Mo’ua let out a laugh at my stylish outfit… and I realized that as covered as I was I was still not covered enough… next time grabbing my lava lava (wrap skirt). Live and ya learn! We headed out on our way to Vakaloa beach on the west side of Tongatapu. There is a resort there, most beaches I’m finding here have a resort connected, however the beach is free to anyone who wants to go.
I live pretty far by Tongan standards from the beach, so this was a big treat (it’s a 15-20 minute drive)! On our way we of course had to stop by the falekoloa ( convenience shop) and pick up some snacks, which consisted of peanut cookies and two bottles of sprite!

Once we got the beach we wasted no time, as the sun was starting to set and jumped in. I’m not generally a huge fan of seaweed, so I found a seaweed free place to stand and wade. Generally I’ve found that you don’t go past the reef area, you just kind of swim on top of it and around it, because if you go too far past it the rip tides and waves get pretty intense. So Mo’ua , ‘Ena, and I sat/swam in about waist deep water and talked. The boys meanwhile braved it and walked all the way out past the very edge of the reef and swam there.

After about 45 minutes of swimming it was taimi kai (time to eat)! We had a delicious dinner of baked fish and ufi (a common root crop and what Mo’ua and Maka grow on their bush land).
It was delicious! We took another quick swim and then decided to head out because it was starting to get chilly (even in the South Pacific….).

Sadly when I got home my water was off so I took a quick bucket bath and cuddled up in my sweatshirt. I am in severe trouble when I have to face actually cold temperatures again…

Vakaloa beach!
This is Siosi, Mo’ua’s son, he’s in class 5 and had a blast swimming!

 Mo'ua my class 4 teacher lathering up with that sunscreen! (p.s. this is not a common thing...)

Maka (Mo'ua's husband to the right) and Siosi to the left

Taimi kai!!! There is truly nothing like fresh fish on the beach after a swim! (of course with a little root crop on the side...)

Photo drop! These are just a few gems that I haven't had time to post, but are fun :)

Gorgeous Hibiscus flowers!

These cuties waiting to be called up during the graduation/achievement ceremony!

 Our class 1 students receiving awards at graduation!

Sidenote: At the end of the school year every school has a ceremony where the highest achieving students are given awards and certificates in each subject (Classes 1-6 and the all of the high school).

 (Trouble is a brewin'; it was about a two hour ceremony, but the kids were champs and made it through; can't say their kahoa's (lei's) fared the same)

                         Ima my class 1 teacher, at her hopa & banana plantation!


At the blowholes with Polis'i!

Host family chillin' at the beach...

Class 1 & 2 girls dancing their tao'ulunga at the school fair!

                                              There are bats in the trees!!!

                                               The official crest of Tonga.