Saturday, May 30, 2015

Parliament day & birthday weekend...

Thursday was Parliament day here in Tonga, basically it's the day parliament starts back up. 

It's a big deal, a ton of people were in town including all the secondary students in Tonga ( it was like 5 or 6 large schools aka lots of students!)

The King opens Parliament, then all the students march by him in his palace to show their respects. Each school is in a marching formation, complete with their own marching band and matching school uniforms.

Tupou high getting in formation...

Students starting the laka (march)

After marching down by the Kings residence we waited for him to drive by.

Complete with police motorcade he drove by in his Kingmobile.

One of the school leaders, led the way after the King past, in high heels no less, it was probably a mile or so march so props!
On another note... 

This past Friday was my 23rd birthday and I was blessed to have my wonderful friends over! We made ( aka Keert) made delicious homemade curry and roti! My neighbor was super sweet and bought us ice cream! It was a great night full of wonderful people and food!

Jason and pinati became good friends ;)

Keert cooking...

This coming week we travel to New Zealand for a much needed vacation, can't wait!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

'Eua ki ai!

This past weekend I was lucky enough to head over to 'Eua ( another island in Tonga, about a 3 hour boat ride from my island of Tongatapu)

We got to see volunteers from our group, different villages, celebrate a birthday , hike through the beautiful  forests, and of course Kai umu for Sapate Tamai ( Father's Day)!
It was such a wonderful mini vacation and time well spent with friends, definitely can't wait to go back :)

On the boat getting ready to head over to 'Eua!

After a rocky 3 hours in the open sea we made it to the 'Eua warf!

Our on way to Baileys house in Tufuvai , after some ice cream of course....

Made lots of yummy food!

Started our hiking adventure after picking up some fresh oranges at the local market!

Sapate Tamai!

The sea was super rough on Monday so there were no boats to take us back to Tongatapu.... 

So we made the most of it , found some awesome cliffs, and ate some more ice cream!
Caught the sunset at sammi's local beach!

Played some games with Sammi's kiddos and checked out the school library!

Found this little one peeking in...

Once the sea calmed down, we headed back to Tonga!

After another rocky and surprisingly chilly boat ride we were back to Tonga safe and sound!

 Overall an absolutely wonderful trip!