Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The start of the coronation festivities!

Today the Free Wesleyan Schools all made there way to town to present gifts of lei's, pigs,  and kava to the King!

It started by the Free Wesleyan office where we waited in the sun for a good 3 hours getting everyone assembled. 
On the bus to town.

Getting lined up in marching formation.

The hurry up and wait game!The kids were good sports and made the best of it.

Once we were all grouped and ready to march, we marched down to the Kings palace!

Walking to the palace!

Everyone was super excited, and it only grew as we got closer and closer to the palace.

Once we got to the palace, we again waited and were filed into the palace gates for the giving of the gifts ( me'a Ofa- literally translates to thing of love)

It took awhile getting all the kids into the palace grounds.

Queen Salote filing in (the free Wesleyan all girls school)

This folks is the closest shot I have, the guards made us put away our phones and purses once we got inside the gate.
But the King was there!

It was a long day , but a great start to the coronation. Everything in town was newly painted and decked out in Tongan flags, I'm sure these next 2 weeks are going to be full of excitement and celebration in Tonga. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Oh the places you'll go...New Zealand adventures!

New Zealand adventures! Myself along with other Peace Corps friends spent the last 2 weeks exploring the north and South Island of New Zealand! We had a blast and rather than talk through it all I'm going to show our trip in pictures!

Getting pumped on the plane!

Getting ready to land in NZ!

Our cozy cottage on the South Island!

Te Anau

Milford Sound

The famous Speights Brew house in Dunedin! 

After 4 days on the South Island we headed back up north.

Hit up Hobbiton.

Checked out the living Maori village.

Did some kayaking at the cabin!

Explored Auckland

Ate some fancy ice cream!

Checked out the zoo... Sadly no kiwi birds were awake when we went :(

Overall it was a fantastic trip! We ate so much good food, took a ton of hot showers and loved every moment of it! :)

Now we are all safe and sound back home in Tonga getting ready for the upcoming coronation!