Friday, October 9, 2015

Class 6 Exam

We finally made it! The class 6 exam happened this past Tuesday and Wednesday! The students ( age 12/ class 6) took 4 exams ( English , math, science ,and Tongan) with 2 exams a day.

These tests are a very big deal as their scores decide which high school they will attend. 

All the kids were dressed in their finest school uniforms waiting for the test to start!

After the exam on both days there was a feast for the students provided by students families! 

Waiting with bated breath for the feast to begin...

Nukunuku ki ai!

The new volunteers even got in on the action! (they are staying with me for host volunteer visits) 

Over all I'm so proud of my class 6 kiddos, they worked so hard preparing for this test and I'm sure they did great!