Wednesday, October 5, 2016

“Tonga is small but it has a big heart!”

 When Peace Corps told me at staging on my way to Tonga the next two years would be “the toughest job I’d ever love” I figured it was just another one of their clichés to go along with the ridiculous amount of acronyms used.

However, my experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Kingdom of Tonga these past two years has been exactly that!

It has been full of bugs, sickness, language and cultural barriers, limited running and drinking water at times, and so many other uncomfortable situations, but all those things never outweighed the positives of going to school everyday and working with kids and teachers who were not only excited to learn, but to share their culture and just love the life they have been dealt! I have learned so much about my culture and myself as a person, and will continue to learn as I transition back into life in the states. However, I would not have learned and gained all I did if it wasn’t for the loving, supporting, and VERY patient friends and family here in Tonga as well as back in the states!

As my time here comes to an end I’ve started thinking about all the moments that will stick with me, as this experience becomes just a memory. Here a few below…

This was during my pre-service training and about sums up how everyone was feeling. We were all learning so much information and trying to fulfill high expectations of learning the language and culture quickly. A lot of times we were all on a different planes either emotionally or physically but no matter how silly we looked or ridiculous we sounded we were a group and finished together! Cue swearing in…

Then we went to site and the fun continued!

Sight Word Books! This was  my passion project in country and was all about creating developmentally and culturally appropriate leveled books that could help teachers teach their students to read! We were able to work with local artists to create the artwork, as well as local teachers and community members who helped write the stories with the support of Peace Corps volunteers. Overall in my 2 years we created 45 books level AA-E with a supporting lesson plan for each book! Teaching kids to read woohooo!!!

As always lots and lots meetings....

Sometimes it was easy to forget that I lived in paradise because I was at least a 20 min ride from the beach and surrounded by bush land, but I was lucky enough to travel to some of the beautiful outer islands!!!

Family Visit! It was so wonderful to have my family and boyfriend visit from the states! My family was able to meet my host family, so the two worlds were united! It was really great for them to see what life was like here, and I think helped to put a context to all the stories I had been telling them!

Swimming with the whales! Probably one of the most amazing experiences ever!

This cat is sadly one of the hardest things to leave from Tonga! I raised her from a sad little kitten to now a loving dog-like cat! She will be leaving hopefully a long happy life with my next-door family!

Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World)! We did it!!!! This is the girls leadership and empowerment camp that we are working to being sustainably run in the future by Tongan counterparts! This year and last years camps were successes so hopefully that continues!

And so many more!

Still a bit in shock that I made it through and two years is already over, it definitely seemed to fly by after about the first year!

Off to the next adventure for me, and so this ends my 2 year look into “Teaching me to Tonga”, I hope you have gained a positive and more educated view of the friendly islands of Tonga! Come visit!

Thanks for listening to my rambles for two years, I hope you all the best and more!

  'Ofa atu & May you enjoy the little blessings each day brings!