Sunday, April 26, 2015

Living life...

So these past few weeks have been so exciting and super busy! 
Had my inter service training for Peace Corps, I can't believe it's already April! After that we had our project design and management workshop where we worked with a community counterpart to design a project to help our community.
School started last week, but this was my first week back from break teaching! It went very well, one of my teachers taught a lesson in English and rocked it all be herself! It was AWESOME! 

Sight word book project also took a step in the right direction! We met with the curriculum department unit in the Ministry of Education, and they really liked the books and want to print one for each student in Tonga! Which is sooooo exciting, however we have to get as many books ready to print as we can in the next 2 weeks! So it's crunch time!

And as a super fun surprise the wonderful Emily & Jason took the sight word project team out as a reward for everyone's hard work! 
Things got crazy! ;P
Work hard play hard!

It was a blast, we went to a local resort, ate a delicious Tongan feast, and watched their cave show after! It was a great night with great people!

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