Sunday, September 4, 2016

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun…

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun…

August went much faster than expected and it’s already September but here’s some highlights from August….

The month started with some solid basketball practices and games!

To the unreal Agriculture Festival…

 Sharks and turtles oh my...!

The biggest and best 'ufi (yams)!

Just some people size root crops (kape (yam) above and 'ufi (yam) below)

Tongan handicrafts (mats and kiekie's)

If you ever need a fan for a giant...

To a beautiful Tongan wedding…

I got a student teacher…

He's been learning how to use the sight word books and how to run reading groups! WOHOO!

To birthday feasts (she turned 80, which is a big deal here!)

And last but not least the arrival of the new Peace Corps Group 81… there’s 22 trainees full of energy and excited to start their work here in Tonga, which is always a breath of fresh air and gets the whole program energized again!

Peace Corps staff and volunteers will spend the next two months helping train the group so they are ready for their service in almost all the islands of Tonga (Tongatapu, ‘Eua, Vava’u, AND Ha’apai!!!).

I even found a new running buddy...

His name is Banjo and he's the best!

And just for old times sake the group Tongatapu picture from picking up the new recruits! (with the NEW Peace Corps logo, tilt your head and see if you can find the pony....)

Group 79 Tongatapu!

This unfortunately will be my last full month in Tonga as I will complete my service and head home on October 7th , so hopefully I will have lots more memories to share before I then.

Have a relaxing and safe labor day and happy back to school all you teachers!!! :)

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