Saturday, July 4, 2015

Coronation activities continued...

Last Friday was the big block party! 
All the kava clubs performed for the crown prince. It was a night full of dragon dances, yummy food, singing, ad tao'ulunga's! 

The crown prince.

The singing judges.

Nukunuku's kava club, they rocked it!

Wednesday was education day here in Tonga , all of the government schools helped the king celebrate his birthday at Teufaiva stadium. 

There were lots if people so it was hard to get a good seat or view. They started the ceremony with forming the Tongan flag and the Tongan crest.

The bands performed.

The engineering school quickly ( took about 30 minutes) created a big stand for the king to watch the faivas on.

Ran into my little host brother and cousins! 

These awesome new trash cans have popped up all over town just in time for the coronation.

The palace grounds, where the coronation will be held.

The new dolphin fountain!

The awesome new gates by the warf!

King Tupou VI & Queen Nanasipau'u

The warf.

Coronation happens this Saturday! 

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