Sunday, September 6, 2015

1 year in Tonga!

It's officially been one year in Tonga for myself and PC group 79! WOHOO! 

Unfortunately it also means group 78 has reached their 2 year mark, and many will start heading back to America for life after Peace Corps.

This past Saturday we welcomed in the new group 80 volunteers! 

It was a bus ride full of excitement all the way to the airport to pick up the newbies

Once they finally landed, naturally we gave them a Friendly Islands welcome complete with excited cheers and welcome kahoa's (Lei's)!

They all made it! Group 80 Peace Corps Trainees for the next 2 months until they are officially sworn in the first week of November!

Tongatapu Volunteers (groups 78 & 79's)

We are so excited for new faces and new people to learn from and work with! They start their pre-service training, which many people (including myself) from both  groups 78 & 79 will help to facilitate and get them ready to serve here in the Kingdom of Tonga!

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