Saturday, September 26, 2015

Free Wesleyan Bazaar!

This past Wednesday was the Free Wesleyan school bazaar where all the Wesleyan schools came to town to sell goods they made/ grew to earn money for next school year.

They made all different types of handicrafts (which they learn how to do in their Tongan culture classes), from tao'vala's ( the mats worn around the waist) to the kafa ( string made from coconut husks to tie the tao'vala's) ,
To kiekia's ( the decorative belt young girls and women wear )

Other schools sold bananas, coconuts, cabbage , carrots and other yummy crops!

Kiekia's and kafa!

Starting to build their entrepreneurship skills early...

The secondary school sold cabbage, tomatoes, and faikakai ( manioke mashed and baked with sugar and coconut covered in a syrup made from cooking down coconut cream with sugar) aka super yummy and super sweet!

'Twas my great luck that along with the bazaar happening, next door taliui( roll call) was in full swing for women's month! Basically every Free Wesleyan church on Tongatapu sends there women to show there presence for their district ( they do so by each singing a song and sayin a speech along with the names of people present, can't say it's a short process...)

All the women were decked out in their finest white clothes and red scarves!

The Queen Mother gave a speech.

Mo'ua was kinda enough to walk me around the bazaar and take me town! :)

Almost all the schools were at the bazaar so not much school actually happened as most kiddos and their moms were either at the Bazaar or taliui...

Picked up some fresh fish on the way home!

Naturally stopped for some ice cream...

Ended the week with these goofballs and a bonfire on the beach!

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than one seeks" 
  -John Muir

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