Wednesday, June 1, 2016

As May flew right into June…

As May flew right into June…

This month has been full of activities and lots of exciting things happening for my school and even some ‘eva adventures to the wonderful ladies in ‘Eua!

Started off one of my mornings to the sound of cat whimpering’s out my back door... (went something like whine, whine, thump and kept repeating that pattern) I assumed it was Pinati....

 however, when I walked outside this is what I found….

the poor thing was so hungry it had gotten it’s head stuck in the can, still one of the  funniest things I have woken up to here so far!

The month started off with a big celebration on children’s Sunday. All the kiddos dressed in their new clothes and read their bible verses aloud to a full crowd of proud parents  (loud is the goal, the aim is to read it so the people in the back of church can hear you, and the church is BIG!).

(Fun fact: the girls outfits are made out of Tapa!)

Next the Rotary Club of Sunnybank Hills flew in and started working on a repair project we have been planning for the past year to our school.

In their week visit they:

-       - replaced and reinforced the veranda ceilings for both buildings of the primary school.
-      -  brought and installed new luvas for the windows
-       - brought 8 metal shelves (which we were able to turn into a classroom library for            classes 1-6)
-       - brought books and school supplies!  

      - they also were gracious enough to print off the sight word books we have been working hard to create these past 20+ months (ALL of them WOOHOO!)

-      -  replaced holes in the classroom floors and doors
-       - painted the front of the school
-       - taught some of the boys some basic wood working skills in the process
 Overall it was a great visit! The students were able to share some of their songs and dances with the Rotarians in the welcome and farewell ceremonies, and I think both sides left feeling that the project was a success.

Feel free to check out the link below so see the repairs in detail.  It’s the blog Rotary made to highlight the awesome work they did!

After the Rotary trip, I took off for the weekend to the magical island of ‘Eua (where magically we always get stuck much longer than expected due to the rough sea and no boat…).

Cliffs of 'Eua!


 'Ovava Tree (story goes it's 400 hundred years old)

Pointsettas in May & too many paths to explore!

It was really great seeing the ‘Eua ladies and exploring more of the island!

We finally made it to see the horses on the cliffs of  ‘Eua (took almost my whole service but we saw them)!

Quicker than I realized we moved right into June!

June started off the with the annual march in town, where ALL the High Schools (Colleges) in Tonga come to town to show off their marching skills and bands for the King.

Time is flying by, we are already through Week 7 of Term 1, and with just two weeks left the June Break is coming soon and it’s off to Vava’u to catch some sunshine and swimming with the whales (hopefully!) J

Happy June! I hope all of you already on summer break have a safe and fun summer!

 More adventures to come soon…

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Glad you got your books published ��. Keep up the great work taahine Kelsey! ��
