Friday, July 1, 2016

What would you grow?

My teaching counterpart and basically adopted family here in Tonga took me the other weekend to explore their bush land where the family grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables.

These are just a few of the things typically grown in the bush in Tonga. All families own land that can be cultivated for growing food, some choose to use this land to live off of, while others lease the land to foreigners to grow crops, while others let the land grow wild. Most of the people in my village continue to work their family land and go at least once a week on Saturday (many go 2-3 times depending on the season) to work and harvest the food from their bush to provide food for that week.

Here are some of the fun things Mo’ua and her family are growing that will hopefully be ready to eat soon J :

Sweet potatoes, they can be purple or white (Kumala)

Leafy greens similary to rainbow chard (Pele)

Baby papaya tree (Lesi)

Large yam, the yam can grow to almost 4 feet (Kape)

This is a fern that if you touch it, it closes in on itself as protection (Mate Loi)

Overgrown cassava , they eat the root below not the stalk (Manioke)

Pineapple (Faina)

Sweet Bananas (Pata)

Peanuts (Pinati)

A common type of yam, these were just harvested ('Ufi)

Mo'ua on the family land

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